Most people depend on bursaries to study for courses they like/prefer, and not only the bursary is the solution you can still find a job to fund your fees. There are part time jobs, there are Learnerships, general worker jobs mostly they get 8k monthly but some people feel like they will be undermined working that kind of jobs and remember that you’re not doing this for other people, it’s for yourself, you are building your future,that’s when you can save all the money you need to get the best education. You can wait for years waiting for bursaries to accept you and time waits for no man.
Sometimes you’d find that you don’t have to study through universities or colleges, you just find one Learnership into your field, that is studying and getting paid for it what a real motivation. When you do something you like, you get recognised since you are working hard and showing that you like your job, the company end up hiring you for your hard work. Not only you will be saving for your future studies but you will be working in the field that you like and it will also guarantee you a space to be on the higher position when you’re done with your studies in future
Some people are business minded, obviously you will need capitalism so that you can start something to run. That’s when you can start applying for part time jobs, the little that you get can make a difference in your life. You don’t have to bother people with their money, you can make your own in both ways.